Be Empowered is dedicated to providing Empowerment Self Defense training and violence prevention education on Oahu and beyond. Empowerment Self Defense is an evidenced-based primary violence prevention program. Be Empowered seeks to contribute to increased awareness of the social context of violence experienced and to contribute to violence-free living

What is Empowerment Self Defense?

ESD training combines mental and verbal skills including assertiveness and boundary setting with traditional physical self defense techniques

Why take an ESD class?

85 - 90% of assaults are perpetrated by someone known to the target. ESD teaches the skills to fend off an assault by someone you know and care about, and may not want to hurt

Does ESD work?

Over 60% of assaults are prevented by yelling, running away, or physical resistance. Research shows that women trained in self defense were not only less likely to be raped if attacked, but less likely to be attacked at all.

What our participants are saying

"I wish I had learned these self defense skills when I was in my 20's. I needed confirmation that it is OK to fight back and have a voice"

 Learn more about our self defense and violence prevention programs (serving Oahu, other Hawaiian islands and beyond)

Contact us to organize a self defense or violence prevention program for your group or organization (serving Oahu, other Hawaiian islands, and beyond)